Monday, February 16, 2009


Hopefully today I have proven that I am wiser. a better person than I was a year from now, and hopefully much more of everything since my years past. I am officially "grown," which to me only means that the fun of gathering booze is gone and it's no longer a struggle.

unfortunately I feel like there is much more I should have gathered, and found out about myself. I feel like what ever test I was given: especially as I journeyed to complete my 21 years of life, was still not passed.

but life goes which means problems and answers come and go but I just have to make sure I keep gathering and learning the most I can of everything.

on a more productive note, I feel like I HAVE been doing alot, just not much to show for it..yet. but it's there, and that has kept me going.

Soon I will start sharing my ridiculous experiences at walgreens. I just can't believe how dumb some of the poeple that walk into the store can get.


ShannonGayle said...
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ShannonGayle said...

I commented, then I made a grammar error. And It wouldnt let me edit it out.
I said, I think you are a wise, awesome kid! And I hope you had a great birthday!

lara said...

You've grown so much in the last year, at least in a maturity of human experience. Don't be-little that. Love you. <3